Unless you’ve been living under a rock (or a snowdrift in some parts of Canada), you’ve probably heard that Brandon Manning (property of the Edmonton Oilers) got into a bit of a scuffle with a fella by the name of Bokondji Imama in Bakersfield’s game against the Ontario Reign (LA Kings AHL affiliate). Apparently there was a racial slur used and subsequently, Manning has apologized to Imama in person and a 5-game suspension has been handed out to the defenseman.
A statement from Brandon Manninghttps://t.co/dQg8azsv5c pic.twitter.com/wh53qNfJDZ
— Bakersfield Condors (@Condors) January 21, 2020
I don’t think a lot of people know what set things off and I’d like to offer some clarification on the incident to provide a modicum of context.
What you might not know about Imama is that he’s the kind of player that goes out and gets under the skin of the opposition and he’s a big boy (6’1″ 220lbs) who can take care of himself. I’ve watched a few Bakersfield/Ontario games this year and Imama has been a thorn in the Condors’ side every time. Very Tkachuk-like in the way he plays except he actually fights but he isn’t a very good hockey player. I don’t know if he got 10 shifts in that game the other night.
CHOO CHOO 🚂 Matt Benning's coming through. #Condorstown pic.twitter.com/6SsAdtBw3K
— Bakersfield Condors (@Condors) January 21, 2020
The game was pretty physical in the first as both teams were taking some big runs at each other, but I think that Matt Benning hit sort of got the ball rolling because right after that Imama was sent out. So not surprisingly, he goes after Bakersfield’s star player, right? To send a message. Those are the kind of tactics that the coaching staff of the Ontario team employs because at the end of the game with about one minute to go and harboring a 3-0 lead, they sent out Brett Sutter, Lance Bouma, Imama, Daniel Brickley, and former Condor Ryan Stanton to faceoff against Tyler Benson, Colby Cave, Ryan McLeod, Evan Bouchard, and Jake Kulevich. This was after both Brad Malone and Keegan Lowe were sent to the showers.
It all really comes down to the officiating… Again. If they called a few more infractions, maybe the tempers stay where they should…
Getting back to the incident.
As you can see, Tyler Benson engages with Imama slightly and then the Reign forward retaliates very aggressively. Uncalled for if you ask me since Ontario was up by two already. So Manning jumps in (and takes a heavy shot to the face for it) because that’s the kind of guy he is and sometime in there or after, the incident occurs.
For clarification in the Manning incident, can report that the word he used was not the same word used in the Aliu/Peters situation. Not that any hurtful words are ever ok, simply reporting for context. – Ryan Rishaug (TSN)
What annoys me is Oilers fans getting all conspiratorial now. How would Darnell Nurse feel about this or Ethan Bear? As if Manning is a card-carrying member of the KKK who just happens to be a hockey player too. Zack Kassian called Matt Tkachuk a “pussy” not too long ago but not a peep out of these folks regarding discrimination towards women or the such.
Now, I’m not saying what Manning did was right because it 100% was not. In the heat of the battle sometimes things get blurted out that are immediately regretted. It happens and most everyone has done it because emotions, but how many of you have had to apologize in the same manner Manning has had to.
There’s got to be some empathy for both parties here I feel. A lot of people can’t even imagine what sort of mindset these players are in when they go to battle like this because they’ve never been professional hockey players.
Again, not saying that using racist insults is right or acceptable and that the world is a much “cleaner” one in that regard now. I’m just saying, shit happens.
I do not believe his contract should be terminated nor should he be called a piece of shit like a lot of folks online are doing since the news broke of the incident. He’s not a piece of excrement, in fact, if you recall, he stepped up for Connor McDavid this year after the Oilers captain took a dodgy hit in San Jose.
He’s done what he can do and he’s accepted his punishment, anybody pining for more than that is looking for attention in my opinion or looking for some way for the Oilers to get out from under his contract which is just a f*cked up justification as it is.
See, what has happened here will follow Manning for the rest of his life, unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how much hate you have in your heart). So, in effect, the punishment may very well last forever. We all know there are Oilers fans out there who still haven’t forgiven him for his altercation with Connor McDavid during 97’s rookie year.
Did Manning do something wrong? Yes. Did he atone for that? That’s for Imama to decide, not you or me.
It’s not like Manning has a history going around being a racist, right? The man apologized both publicly and privately and in addition to that there’s remorse and a willingness to improve. If that’s not enough for you, that’s your problem. He’s the one that has to live with this now, not you. Unless of course, you choose to. Pretty narcissistic, but not unheard of.
As I close this out, I realize it sounds like I’m supporting Manning’s actions and I am, but the ones that followed the incident. The apology was the right thing to do and I support that. What I do not support is the witchhunt and refusal to acknowledge said apology.
Why should some words have meaning and others not?